Sunday, May 1, 2011

Last Days in Dschang

So where did the last fourteen weeks go? As I’m writing this I only have 11 days left in Cameroon, and by the time I actually post it there will be even less. As the time gets shorter I keep trying to fit as much in as possible. Here’s what happened with my last few days in Dschang.

I spent two mornings with some of my favorite people, preschoolers! It might sound silly, but I had a great time visiting the nursery school where my host mom teaches. The kids were adorable and now I can sing Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French.

I also had a chance to visit an artisanat staffed by blind people. See the entire living room set in the photo below, the person who made it did everything by touch. Pretty cool, but my suitcase is not big enough for that. 

Oh yeah, there was that huge, gigantic, monstrous paper looming over me for awhile. Three cheers for finishing that!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!!

When I finally found 5 ½ hours of spare time, I decided to get retressed. The braids are back and the plan is that they will stay until I can sleep in my own bed again. 
Me and the girl who did the braids.
Tomorrow I take the bus back to Yaoundé and the next week is spent wrapping up the program: final presentations, language proficiency exit exams, goodbye party, etc. In some ways this semester has flown by, but I feel like I’ve made the most of it. I’m coming home with a suitcase full of souvenirs, 1400 photos, and no regrets. With only a few days remaining, I will cherish every second I have left here, but when it’s time to board the plane I’ll be ready for that too.


  1. I've SO enjoyed reading your posts Rachel! I'm excited for you to be home though too! Please teach us Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes in French when you get home! Actually, how about a little "French Camp" this summer?! Congrats on your paper and soak in the moments. I think you'll be back someday :)

  2. The time has indeed gone by quickly, but we are very much looking forward to your return home (and by Mom's count, you should already be here!)

    Enjoy the last week in Cameroon (even all those ISP presentations!)!


  3. my darling,
    You look so awesome with the new do!
    Daddy is wrong. We are down to one group of Ten and a few leftovers. Know that I have ordered your Oreo shake and will have it on ice till we hug you at the airport. Soon and very soon !!!!

    love you
